Consistency, Patience and Praise The most asked question “how do I get my dog to come back to me”. Since we are talking and training pointing dogs, my first response, ‘why do you want them to come back to you?
One Angry Squirrel and Leave It!
We talk a lot about keeping our hunting dogs safe and away from danger, in this case it happened way too fast. While running a young pointing dog on wild birds, I noticed the pup working a large prickly pear
Have some Faith!
You and your dog put the time into training, and you are ready to hunt wild birds. You need to be in-control & in-charge as your dog works, but also you need to have faith in your dog’s ability in
Got a jingle, then start singing it!
A technique we use to help our dogs recall. Our pointing dogs are trained to recall to a whistle, beep tone, pressure and yodeling or singing. We incorporated this recall technique years ago after seeing it used vs recalling with
Want to harvest more birds?
Scout your hunting area and consider the habitat before you put a dog on the ground. Here are some simple things to look for and do. Work with your pointing dog to cover the right ground by setting the right
Silly Willie
Willie lived to hunt, loved chicken with a side of bacon and comfy couches. A true War Dog and Bird Driven Machine. Sir Willie 7/11/05 – 6/17/21 ‘stay bird ready’…. BIRDS!!!BIRDS!!!BIRDS!!!
Who’s sneaking up on me?
Honoring: trusting and acknowledgment that another dog is holding point or is ‘standing’. Backing: when your dog sees another dog holding point or standing, your dog will STOP and wait, without moving until you command a release. “A good backing
Breaking Bad
Correcting your pointing dog from breaking can be easily fixed. Maybe it’s as simple as stepping back in your training program and reenforcing the basic fundamentals. Here are some simple training exercises to correct your pointing dog from breaking on
Just Over The Next Hill
Don’t push your dog beyond the limits just to hunt the next valley. We hunt in extreme terrains and conditions, assess the situation and remember you have a responsibility to keep your dog safe, hydrated, and getting back to the
Livin’ on the Edge
A friend, mentor and avid bird hunter once said to me: His BEST pointing dogs were the ones “on edge”. Either training or hunting you could sense their intensity. Each dog had that “Game On” switch and this moment in