A friend, mentor and avid bird hunter once said to me:
His BEST pointing dogs were the ones “on edge”. Either training or hunting you could sense their intensity. Each dog had that “Game On” switch and this moment in life is ALL about hunting!
Honestly, it can seem like controlled chaos at first but it’s that gritty edge you want out of your pointing dog.
Have you heard this before?
“This dog is almost too big for me to handle”.
Question: Is this the type of pointing dog you want? I say YES! & GO FOR IT!
Some immediate characteristics come to mind:
Focused, intense, bold, a bit edgy, confident, big nose for birds, gutless drive and endurance.
This dog will push the limits on handling capabilities, ensure you are ready for a high-drive, big running pointing dog and learn to work as a team!
Learn to train, handle and hunt with BIG running dogs.
@AZPointingDog, LLC