Trash Breaking your bird dog.
“Why punch me five times in the face when I’d rather take one hey-maker.”
It’s not something we like to do, but the quicker it’s gets it done the better. Trash Breaking is absolutely necessary and if done right the first time it can be very effective. It could save your dog’s life!
Trash Breaking: What you DO NOT want your dog chasing or having a ‘high drive’ towards searching for and finding. They are encountering or hunting for trash and will take off after them i.e. Trash hunting. What’s Trash: Rabbits, Squirrels, Cows, Burro’s, Deer, Javelina, Antelope, to name a few. Bad news is a heard of Antelope, I’ve seen first hand what these speedy gazelles will do to a dog chasing them, fasten your seat belt, you better be ready!
- STOP! before doing this enforcement training, the dog is mentally strong and has completed most of their bird dog training. Even better the dog has completed ‘snake avoidance’ prior to this matter and has experienced this high pressure before.
- The handler is e-collar trained and the dog is e-collar conditioned.
- I would not suggest doing this enforcement on your first wild bird hunt, that’s why it’s done during training.
- Begin this e-collar enforcement during ‘open field training’, run the dog in different training fields and see if you can spook up trash to get the enforcement over with.
Trash Breaking a bird dog. When executing this enforcement training you can not show any concern or remorse, ignore the situation, walk the other way and act as if nothing happened. Do not associate yourself to this enforcement exercise and don’t give any voice command to start, only e-collar pressure.
- Rule #1 If you can’t see your dog chasing the trash then you do not perform this enforcement!
- Rule #2 You disassociate this enforcement from yourself – DO NOT use any voice commands, only pressure.
- Rule #3 Know what you are doing AND since your dog is chasing, I hope you have a GPS on the dog just in case.
Set the transmuter to it’s ‘continuous-stimulation’ and choose the correct pressure/stimulation level. Dog’s need to be 150% focused on the trash when you exercise this enforcement! and you need to know the right stimulation level to apply, I often use the highest level available. Replay: when a dog is 150% focused on the trash and takes off in a blaze chasing it, allowing for a full chase scenario (2-3-4 sec) then apply the pressure! (apply pressure for at least 1-2 full sec then release!).
The purpose is to train the dog that “trash bites back” and does not feel good, is trash really worth paying attention to or going after?
Early recognition training for puppies
During walks or exercise don’t allow your pup to get interested in rabbits, etc. This is a great time to perform effective, simple and gentle enforcement training. You need to be consistent in performing this beginning training, DO NOT be overly demanding or harsh, you are not teaching Fear. The pup is learning from you so remain calm and in control. A simple easy tug/pull on the lead, walk the other way and don’t recognize the situation/trash – just ignore it. *if you add the command ‘Leave It’ and turn away 180 degrees when you tug/pull on the lead the pup will recognize and obey this critical command early. Overtime your pup will not be interested in trash because you are showing no interest and you are not allowing your pup to associate with the trash. Remember, it takes time and consistency, having the right training lead and collar is most effective. The pup will start to understand the tools you are using and where training pressure will be felt during formal training i.e. under the neck, high and properly fitted.
Your pup needs to have fun on walks and socialize, so if you are in an area that is littered with trash maybe it’s better to relocate and enjoy some happy walks, mix things up!
AZPointingDog, LLC