Once there’s understanding, things make sense.
Training traits – be the ball!
Commit to a training program, enhance your awareness and handling skills, adapt to changes, continue to learn and help others.
With streaming and the mass amount of information online, most owners are simply seeking what it takes to train a dog from start to finish, what it costs and where to go for professional help. But the idea of what you think a bird dog should be or do is not fully understood and questions go unanswered and things seem difficult to grasp. Do your research and get a professional mentor to help. Mentors should be willing to guide you and answer your questions so, things make sense.
The information below is meant to provide an awareness to some training techniques and helpful tips.
- Every dog is different – always mentioned but rarely understood. Get to know your dog and how to read your dog.
- Define a training and exercise program and remain consistent. Building blocks that are defined will keep you in check.
- You must have control of the dog before you can effectively advance training. Control training is critical.
- Know when to end training – always end your training on a positive achievement/advancement, gain ground each day.
- You have to be in charge and lead but not mean. Dogs need structure and will be learning and watching you.
- Being calm and in control, don’t talk to much to your dog when training. You want to build confidences and independence.
- Proper praise goes along ways. Know how and when to praise. You want a happy dog but not a crazy happy dog.
- Using the right training tools and knowing how to use them correctly.
- Don’t advance training to quickly.
- Take your sunglasses off when training – you need to make eye contact.
- Know your dogs natural abilities.
- To start, your training area should be safe and controlled. As you advance you need to expand your training grounds.
- If you continue to repeat commands verbally and you are not properly enforcing the command the first time, your dog will come accustom to ignoring you and things can become frustrating.
AZPointingDog, LLC