Stop the Happy Feet

Standing strong without moving is part of our Stage 1 control program. 

Keep Pointers from moving once standing:

  • We start with non verbal exercises teaching the dog how to read the handler i.e ques
  • Start small and increase the success zone, providing timely praise and recognition
  • Simple easy pressure along the way; dogs learn no pressure is good
  • Differentiate Stopping pressure with Happy Feet pressure
  • NEVER move while commanding our dog to Stop/Stand
  • Concentrate on the dogs feet and anticipate movement.  

Very important, when your pointing dog is stopped or standing, it should not move until you give a Release command. 

Other control exercises are incorporated like Honoring and Backing, Healing and Release/Casting.

A properly fitted training collar and rope is used in the beginning stages, moving to an E-collar once the ‘Lead’ pressure recognition is taught and mastered.

We praise a Standing Dog!

Happy dog just not happy feet!

AZPointingDog LLC

Dancing Around The Place
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