Top 10 reasons for owning a Bird Dog
10. You always have someone to ride with and to blame for those god-awful smells along the way.
9. There’s never a bad outing when hunting wild birds together.
8. Gets you off the couch and into the field.
7. Will forever bring you presents; mice, frogs, toads, lizards and dropped them in the house, still alive! and you say, “soft mouth & nice retrieve.”
6. You will never need a wakeup call during bird season.
5. They will urge you every morning to take out your hunting pants, boots and gun.
4. Gives you great reason to purchase cool & fancy dog electronics and hunting gear. Maybe even a new O/U.
3. Of course, you need a truck for your bird dog(s), so all your hunting stuff is in one place, and you don’t care how dirty it gets!
2. You will own the ultimate coach potato – especially during the off season.
1. You need more than one!
@AZPointingDog LLC